Life has different faces. Some time it could be so genial but other time it shows brutal side of it.
It takes you to apex and makes you free; you sail through the wind so befuddled that you don’t figure out where you are heading. But when you hit the bottom land, then perhaps you realize the cruel aspect of it.
It takes you to apex and makes you free; you sail through the wind so befuddled that you don’t figure out where you are heading. But when you hit the bottom land, then perhaps you realize the cruel aspect of it.
But wise men had said “winners are those who never lose their sense of humor in the time of difficulties.”
And simplest way to inundate you with humor is, just look around.
Following are few observations which I found spread all around me. I am sure it would be around you as well, but perhaps you need to little observant about it.
Following are few shops names which I come across daily on the way to work place.
Lucky Banarasi Hair Dresser --- This is a saloon near my work place. There was something about this name which spread smile on faces. Who knows whether this hair dresser gets lots of good fortune from Banaras and pour it on the customers head while hair cutting.
Diamond Bakery --- The humor was in the irony of the name of this Bakery shop. By all my knowledge of science, I knew that Diamonds could poise to demise.
The place where I have put my hermitage now days, the real estate is booming. But the funny part of this real estate rat race is the hoardings which they have put on the way to these IT offices or so called IT Parks (though there’s nothing like park in there). Hoardings in front of hoardings and there are lines of these hoardings on the both sides of roads. It looks like Windmill farming which one can see while landing at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam.
Below are few hoarding adverts and messages which are intended to attract the buyers. Don’t know how successful these messages are in attracting the buyers but indeed they are hilarious and unique.
Go on a date with yourself – Elmwood Builders
Bring home the light of prosperity – Sun Crest (Really, is it so? I thought those 40 lacks loan and mountain like EMI makes prosperity alien to you…)
Distinctly different – Mirchandani Palms (witty but what it has to do with flats?)
Zoomed in Worked out Expert Homes – Maxima Builders (???)
At Kothrud Annex (society name) world is next door – (if it’s true then we are living on Mars right now?)
Enjoy the e-motion – Verve (e-motion)
The heritage of maharaja for your Excellency – Rajveer Group
Quality living melodious memories – Apostrophy builders
to be continued...
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