Monday, May 27, 2013

Yet another Run?

A long distance runner dips through different emotions  at different stages of his final run.

Standing at the start line on the race day, the waves of his thoughts and emotions which strikes the walls of his mind, are numerous. 

Self doubt, confidence, fear, self motivation, inspiration, passion, foresightedness and vigor, all appears at the same time. Of course, it's subjective and lot depends on the very fabric of the runner as a individual.

 One wonders, when does this actually starts? These emotions and thoughts must have some seed, when did this goes under soil of your mind? Is it always present? And a race day is just a catalyst. Or this builds up slowly.

It's open to debate! But my weight will be on the side that these are always there and a race is just triggers it.

Long distance running is not natural, whereas a sprint running can be called a regular activity.

A sprint running is sudden and fast, therefore, you don't have option of struggling or even addressing your thoughts and emotions. It's unilateral and monolithic. You have no option but to pump yourself up and move with the whole force after that gun shot.

Where is the time to think? Where is the time to even address your different thoughts and emotions?   Perhaps, there is, but it find its place way before the start line. The chances that there will be struggle of thoughts and emotions and one might dominates to other impacting the result, are minuscule. 

On the contrary, long distance running is entirely differently ball game at all.

A long distance running is a long conversation with yourself. Every thought which might be hidden somewhere in you, appears and echos in your mind. Every emotion which found it's place in you, but was suppressed or not acknowledged by you, appears to its full strength.

Why does this happen? Is it due to fact that you are venerable as your energy depletes, and what makes you stronger, and the only source of energy, are your thoughts and emotions?
The result of your run depends on which force of your thought wins! All your thoughts and emotions slowly group themselves into Victory or part of large crowd, Vigor or just enough, facing fear of Breathlessness or easy life.

A runner start harvesting these thoughts the moment he start training for his long runs. He faces these thoughts and emotions and he gets acquainted with them.
A winner knows that these are real and he must address and command them. He can't be ignorant towards these.


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